Gay Porn and the Women Who Love It

Women Watching Gay Porn Women were found to get aroused while watching gay porn, according to a new study from Northwestern University. Such openness was not reported in men, however, who either got aroused by straight porn or by gay porn, depending upon their orientation, but not by both. Sexual orientation was not a boundary for women. Researchers say, “They got aroused by watching everything”. By Dr. Petra Zebroff |
Our Libida users confirmed these findings, as 1/3 of those polled reported that they like to watch videos of men having sex with each other. 1/3 were not interested and the other 1/3 said they had never seen one.
Five reasons for women to watch men with men:
1. Beautiful men – Men in straight porn are often lacking in the beauty department, sporting pot-bellies, wrinkles and hairy backs. Apparently shoes, socks, and nothing else attire is supposed to turn women on? The physical appeal of men in gay films is staggeringly different. They are toned, trimmed, well-dressed, and usually young and good-looking. Since the sexual and physical attractiveness of a man is extremely important to women when they watch porn, it makes sense that women would get aroused by the buff specimens in gay films.
2. Techniques from someone who knows -- There is no better source of learning than from someone who has the equipment themselves. Only a man knows what it feels like to have a penis stroked, sucked and clenched. A man exudes a confidence, when handling a penis that a woman just doesn’t have. Tips and techniques can be observed about the location, pressure and speed of penile stimulation. Watch it and learn.
3. No comparisons -- Women can enjoy the image of a beautiful man engaging in hot explicit sex without automatically comparing herself to the females in the scene. Whether they want to or not, most women can’t help identifying with the person of the same sex. “My labia are not nearly as evenly shaped as hers”, or “I can’t stuff that thing that far down my throat”, are thoughts that unknowingly pop into their heads and make them feel inadequate. When watching a gay video, women don’t have to worry about measuring up to body types, or to the proper technique.
4. It’s Taboo – Because gay male sex is rarely seen by straight women, it becomes all the more intriguing and stimulating.
5. Cut and Dry Sexuality – Cultural norms have made it difficult for women to fully express all of their sexual desires without the fear of being labeled “a slut” or another judgment. Watching gay male porn can offer women a way of vicariously going after what they want -- just like a man does.
What does gay porn do for you ? Tell us what you think.
We chose the Best:
A funny and sexy spoof of the movie The Ring.
Wrath: Seven Deadly Sins
Winner of best Bi film at GAYVN awards.