Informational Links from

Links Libida Recommends
Free Speech
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Non-profit dedicated to protecting free speech online.
National Coalition Against Censorship
Free speech organization.
General Sex Information
Born Free
This website advocates unassisted childbirth and explores the sexual and erotic aspects of labor and childbirth.
Holistic Wisdom
The best in holistic & sexual health resources.
House o' Chicks
Creators of the infamous Vulva Puppet and Masturbation Memoirs videos; they also now offer online classes at their Vulva University.
Jackin' World
An exhaustive and enthusiastic guide to male masturbation.
New Mobility
A disability magazine which deals with sex regularly.
The Liberated Christians Homepage
These advocates of polyamory offer great sex information on a variety of sexual techniques.
Sex Advice
Ask Me Anything
Libida columnist and sex therapist Marty Klein's peronal web page features provocative discussions of hot-button sexual issues and a riveting newsletter. Ask the Couch! Sex advice delivered with humor on a variety of common and not-so-common topics.
Ask the Sex Doc
An extensive list of sex-related questions and answers are maintained on the educational web site of the Silicon Valley Relationship and Sexuality Center in Santa Clara, California.
Dr. J's Sex Facts
Fun sex facts and accurate information from a clinical sexologist for a hotter and more fulfilling sex life.
Go Ask Alice!
The most comprehensive sex Q&A available online.
Sexual Health
Ann Rose's Ultimate Birth Control Links
Excellent collection of links to conventional and less conventional birth control options.
Contraceptive Guide
Thorough guide to contraceptive options, compiled by a respected female physician.
Safer Sex Page
The original safer sex site.
Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual
Planet Out
Comprehensive site that addresses gay, lesbian and bisexual issues.
Great site that provides information and encourages discussion on all sexuality issues.
Sexological Organizations
American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists
This professional organization publishes a journal and makes networking and referral information available online.
Center for Disease Control
Latest information related to STDs and AIDS.
Kinsey Institute
Information about the Kinsey Institue and its library.
National Abortion Federation
Pro-choice organization.
Sex Worker's Education Network
The ultimate resource for questions and information regarding sex work.
Sex Information and Education Council of Canada
Excellent online resource sexuality education in schools, communities, churches.
For Parents and Children
Coalition for Positive Sexuality
Immensely popular sex information and community site for teens.
Planned Parenthood
National Site Excellent resource including advice for parents on talking to kids about sex, family planning, women's health, etc.
Scarlet Teen
Wonderful resource for teen girls, with straightforward discussions of sexual issues.
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS)
Excellent online resource advocating and supplying materials for sexuality education in schools, communities and churches.
Spiritual Sex
Sacred Journeys
Organized tours for women to places of historical, mythological and spiritual significance.
Secret Garden Publishing
Dr. Kenneth Ray Stubbs site devoted to his writings.
Tantra at Tahoe
Retreat and Tantra information site.
Comprehensive Tantra site with resource information and workshops.