Sex and Chocolate

Sex and Chocolate
Chocolate, a.k.a. the "Love Chemical" is one of the best natural mood-stimulants and boosters in the world.
It’s reputation as an aphrodisiac originated in South America in 500 A.D., where it was thought to have mystical and aphrodisiac qualities by the Mayan and Aztec cultures.
Chocolate is considered a powerful aphrodisiac. It induces sexual desire and behavior and elevates your passion. It is the best possible prelude to passionate, romantic and sensuous lovemaking. A few ways of enjoying chocolate in the throes of passion are:
Timeless Chocolate - Sex Suggestions
The Aztec emperor, Montezuma, even drank 50 goblets of chocolate a day to enhance his sexual prowess! Chocolate has been found to contain phenylethylamine (PEA) and seratonin, both of which are considered mood-lifting agents and anti-depressants, and theobromine, which stimulates the heart-muscle and the nervous system. The combination of these three substances gives one extra energy, makes the heart beat faster, and gives one that slightly skittish, giddy feeling —all of which explains just why chocolate would be linked to love.
Other suggestions to increasing your sensual chocolate experience:
• Pour melted chocolate (not too hot!) on your lover’s body to lick it off slowly.
• Share chocolate or chocolate ice-cream after passionate lovemaking.
• Eat fresh strawberries dipped in chocolate-syrup after a night of wild sex or as a prelude to sex.
Chocolate is loved by one and all for good reason:
• You are never too young or too old for chocolate; people of every age relish it.
• It is very easy to get and you can have it throughout the year.
• You can ask a stranger for chocolate, without getting your face slapped.
• You can make chocolate last as long as you want.
• You can offer chocolate to someone who is sad and make him or her happy again.
• You can bring back the smile on a person’s face by offering chocolate.
• You can have chocolate on top of your desk during working hours without upsetting your colleagues.
• You can have as many kinds of chocolate as you can possibly handle.
• With chocolate, size doesn't matter. It's ALL good!