What Men Want in a Lover

What makes a woman a good lover?
200 men were asked to name THE one quality they found made their best female lover. The top three essential nuggets to being good in bed were a far cry from her body or her technique, instead it is:
#1. She is enthusiastic won out by far with 27%
#2. She is willing to try new things came a clear second with 18%
#3. She learns what I like, and does it 9%
Others found the following things to be important:
She is kinky - 7%
She is sensual - 5%
She values how I please her - 4%
She talks easily to me about what we like/dislike - 4%
More (not as popular) qualities were:
She moves with the rhythms of my body- 3%
She is creative - 3%
She has very good technique - 3%
She has a good body - 3%
She makes me feel attractive - 2%
She is rough the way I like it - 2%
She is gentle - 1%
She 'gets' my body -1%
She uses her tongue well - 1%
She uses fantasy - 1%
She follows my mood - 1%
The way she touches me - 1%
The way she holds me - 1%
The size of her breasts - 1%