
The Best Selling Item This Month At Sexual Health Retailer Holiday Schedule 2021

Happy Holidays everyone. We are posting this page so that you have awareness of our holiday schedule.

Shipping Status - Green - Orders are arriving in the time promised.

Work Status - Green - Our employees are happy, healthy, and well fed with holiday cookies.

Customer Service Status - Green - Orders are arriving on time, so everyone is happy.

Shutdown Days - We try to treat our employees in a professional manner, so our entire company shuts down for a few holiday days, just like a professional office does. We try to be a nice, caring company, we treat everyone here nicely and they treat our customers the same way. We will be shut down the following days.

December 24th - There is no use shipping things on Christmas Eve, they won't arrive for Christmas anyway. So we spend this day with our families.

December 27th - We take this Monday off. The weekend days will have light order volume, so we don't rush back in until Tuesday.

December 30th-31st - After working Tuesday and Wednesday to get every order out the door, we will take two more holiday days off.

January 3rd we will return and then work 8 hours a day every weekday from that point until the holidays next year.

Thanks again for shopping at We enjoy having you as a customer and we hope you understand our schedule.